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CliftonStrengths for Students

How do I get an access code for CliftonStrengths for Students?

To have an access code specially made only for you, email

What is CliftonStrengths for Students?

  • CliftonStrengths stems from a growth mindset, encouraging students to develop their strengths rather than focusing on their weaknesses

  • Gallup's CliftonStrengths Assessment is an approximately 30-minute web-based assessment that measures natural patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving, which indicate an individual's Top 5 Talent Themes out of a list of 34. Students will have 20 seconds to respond to each item.

How are my results unique?

The chances of having the exact same Top 5 Talent Themes in the exact order as someone else is 1 in 33.39 million. The chances of having the same Top 5 Talent Themes as someone else (but in a different order) is approximately 1 in 340,000.

What is talent? What is a strength? Are they different?

Gallup defines a talents as: "a naturally recurring pattern of thought, feeling or behavior that can be productively applied." They define a strengths as: "the ability to consistently provide near-perfect performance in a specific activity. To have a strength, first you must identify your talents, and then should work on acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to help you apply your talent to an activity or situation."

Why do I only receive my Top 5 Talet Themes?

The talents you identified under your signature themes are natural, recurring patterns of thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. The talents found in your Signature Themes are things you do naturally—like breathing. You can't not do them. You actually do them without even trying. You are given only five themes so that you can hone in on your most dominant talents thus providing your greatest opportunity for strength.

What about my weaknesses or being well-rounded?

The strengths-based approach is not about ignoring weaknesses or striving to be well-rounded. It is important to be aware of areas that are not strengths; however, instead of spending a lot of time and energy trying to turn those weaknesses into strengths, figure out ways to manage those weaknesses so that they don't prevent you from being successful.

How can CliftonStrengths for Students help in organzations or teams?

When team members understand and utilize their strengths they are more likely to be productive and engaged members. Strong teams are well rounded and capitalize on the unique strengths of each individual members. Keeping the four domains of leadership strength in mind, organizations can be more aware of their team balance and can be more mindful or dividing projects based on talent.

Why should I take CliftonStrengths for Students?

  • This assessment provides the knowledge and vocabulary to describe an individual's Top Five strengths and the areas in which they excel

  • Our role is to help students further understand their Top 5 Strengths and how they can play out in their day-to-day life

  • Through this exploration, we can be intentional in investing in our strengths to better ourselves & the world around us.

Will I have someone to help me navigate CliftonStrengths for Students?

Yes, a MCEC member will help assist you with questions or concerns you may have with navigation when you create an account in the Career Lab in 104 Agnes Edwards Hall. Also, student can email with questions and/or set up an individual appointment to discuss your Top 5 Strengths.

What do I do with the results?

Review your Top 5 Talent Themes, the Strengths Insight Guide and your Signature Themes Report. Identify personal action items for each of your Top 5 Strengths. Optional: Go deeper with the CliftonStrengths for Students On Demand Learning module (located at the top of your dashboard.)

You are encouraged to schedule a follow up meeting with a Major & Career Exploration Center staff member by calling 337-482-1444 or emailing to go over your Top 5 Strengths and how to apply your Strengths in the classroom and your career.  Please include your CliftonStrengths username in your email or phone request.

Within the program, you will also have the opportunity to build a customized action plan based on your Top 5 Strengths.